The following section answers some of the common questions that our donors ask when considering a donation to the Freeport Community Public School Fund.
Where do we get our money?
The Fund depends on the generosity of individuals, corporations, and FHS alumni. Each year, the Board does an annual fundraiser through a mass mailing of its annual brochure to over 1,000 individuals and corporations in the community.
How do we operate?
Teachers and librarians at all grade levels in Freeport School District #145 can apply for funds for needed equipment and materials at the start of the school year. Each November, the School Fund’s Board of Directors, with advice of key District Administrators, review the applications, analyze requests, and grant allocations according to how much money was raised during the fundraising campaign.
What are examples of purchases?
ChromebooksHokki Stools
LCD Projectors
Literacy & Math Skill Building Materials
Physical Education Equipment
Speaker System for FHS College & Career Center
Acoustic Shells
Sound System for Jeannette Lloyd Theater
Support for World Arts Festival
Musical Instruments
Science Lab Charts
Globes and Maps
Graphing Calculators
Cassette Recorders & Listening Stations
Dictionaries, almanacs and thesauruses